
Dr Doolittle said "If we could talk to the animals, learn their languages
Think of all the things we could discuss" 

Healing animals, it's important! Animals are very therapeutic to us. Did you know when we
de-stress with our pets, our energy at that time is passed onto them? Our pets do absorb a lot
of our energy. So from time to time treat them to a body balance and let me remove all the old energy and replace it with new pure energy.

Like humans they are prone to illness. But they can't talk and tell you where they are hurting.

The defective cells will emit a certain frequency if in distress. If a Chi practitioner can sense this then healing can be directed to the source. Resulting in a quick recovery.


My personal experience dealing with cancer. The main choices, medicate, or surgically remove.

We've all heard the worst scenarios too, where if the cancer was surgically removed or healed by a medical procedure, there is a chance the cancer might return. 

I'm not a doctor, but some people who can meditate to heal themselves and control their emotions may keep things at bay. The cancer will still be present but the shape or size might not change. This is living with cancer. I'm not advocating that this therapy is full proof either! The choice is with you and your medical team.

I have witnessed ladies who have breast cancer make the decision not to have a mastectomy. This is their decision based on their intuition. It's a tough and brave call either way, but meditation is keeping them strong at peace and the cancer still.

I have had some success with healing cancer. But I know if it's your soul's journey to experience this then, it is what it is and you really can't alter your soul's some say?

Whatever you opt for either way keep calm and carry on, do try a Chi meditation class, I highly recommend it because it does help!