

CHI LONG™ Protect


If you have an understanding about universal energies and the soul’s journey, then welcome to the Chi Long Ying & Yang collection of Chi Balls.

This collection comprises of high quality, hand crafted, clear quartz crystals

The effectiveness of the outcome depends on how much Chi energy you can supply the Chi Balls.

Some useful Chi Ball Commands

Hold the Chi Ball with both hands. Focus your mind on the Chi Ball. Wait for 1 minute, and then ask it to do the following.

E.g. “Chi Ball, ground me.”

(If you cannot feel, the energy then wait for the approximate times before moving on. It’s very easy to full asleep, keep alert and focus on the Chi Ball otherwise the Chi Ball will disengage.)

  • Ground me. (wait for approx. 5 minutes)

  • Remove all spiritual entities from my body. (wait approx. 10 -15 minutes)

  • Install spiritual protection. (wait approx. 5 minutes)

  • Heal all Auric fields. (wait approx. 15-20 minutes)

  • Balance and heal all Chakras. (wait approx. 20 minutes)

Emotional purging:  Please ask Steve Lee to execute a cell memory deletion.

Ask to Heal “whatever” you are suffering from. 

(This is conditional to the amount of Chi energy you can supply to the Chi ball and how frequent you treat yourself. If your illness is permanent, the Chi ball will provide relief only.)

OR place the Chi Ball on the pain/discomfort and hold it there until the pain subsides.

NB: The Chi Ball can intensify the pain. If you wait, the pain will eventually subside. Do not worry; this is part of the accelerated healing programme.

CHI LONG™ Phoenix Collection

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If you have an understanding about universal energies and the soul’s journey, then welcome to the Chi Long Phoenix collection of Chi Balls.

This collection comprises of high quality hand crafted, Citrine, Rose and Amethyst quartz crystals. Each Chi ball has a unique programme installed to suit each quartz crystals.
The effectiveness of the outcome depends on how much Chi energy you can supply the Chi Balls.

Citrine; Prosperity
Rose; Love and harmony
Amethyst; Spiritual protection and removal of spiritual entities.

Here’s how.

Hold the Chi Ball with both hands. Focus your mind on the Chi Ball. 
Wait for 1 minute, and then ask it to do the following

E.g. “Chi Ball, send unconditional love to whomever.”
(If you cannot feel the energy, wait for the approximate times before moving on. It’s very easy to full asleep, keep alert and focus on the Chi Ball otherwise the Chi Ball will disengage.)

When holding the Citrine Chi Ball, ask it to send you or send out Prosperity.
When holding the Rose Chi Ball, ask it to send you or send out unconditional love to a loved one.
When holding the Amethyst Chi Ball, it will start removing all spiritual entities. 
Wait for a few minutes and then ask for Spiritual protection.

CHI LONG™ Ying & Yang Collection

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Chi Long Ying & Yang collection

If you have an understanding about universal energies and the soul’s journey, then welcome to the Chi Long Ying & Yang collection of Chi Balls.

This collection comprises of high quality, hand crafted, clear quartz and black tourmaline crystals. (black tourmaline, great for grounding and helps with fertility)

Each Chi ball has a unique programme installed to suit each quartz crystals.

The effectiveness of the outcome depends on how much Chi energy you can supply the Chi Balls.

Some useful Chi Ball Commands

Hold the Chi Ball with both hands. Focus your mind on the Chi Ball. Wait for 1 minute, and then ask it to do the following.

E.g. “Chi Ball, ground me.”

(If you cannot feel, the energy then wait for the approximate times before moving on. It’s very easy to full asleep, keep alert and focus on the Chi Ball otherwise the Chi Ball will disengage.)

  • Ground me. (wait for approx. 5 minutes)

  • Remove all spiritual entities from my body. (wait approx. 10 -15 minutes)

  • Install spiritual protection. (wait approx. 5 minutes)

  • Heal all Auric fields. (wait approx. 15-20 minutes)

  • Balance and heal all Chakras. (wait approx. 20 minutes)

Emotional purging:  Please ask Steve Lee to execute a cell memory deletion.

Heal “whatever” you are suffering from. 

(This is conditional to the amount of Chi energy you can supply to the Chi ball and how frequent you treat yourself. If your illness is permanent, the Chi ball will provide relief only.)

OR place the Chi Ball on the pain/discomfort and hold it there until the pain subsides.

NB: The Chi Ball can intensify the pain. If you wait, the pain will eventually subside. Do not worry; this is part of the accelerated healing programme.

CHI LONG™ Feng Shui

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This Feng Shui Chi Ball is programmed to emit the following energies; Prosperity, Harmony-Love, Automatic removal of spiritual entities and blocks some harmful Electromagnetic Fields.

It is hand crafted and picked for it’s unique qualites. Designed for use in the home, business and public spaces. It is safe around humans and animals.

If you have an understanding about universal energies and the soul’s journey, then welcome to the Feng Shui Chi Ball.

Points of interest.

Think about “Prosperity energy” when looking at the Feng Shui Chi Ball.

If you are sensitive, you might feel the Prosperity energy from the Feng Shui Chi Ball. If you can, manifest your wishes of prosperity into the Feng Shui Chi Ball and let the energy of the ball send it out to the universe.

You can do the same with Harmony-Love, connect to it and manifest your wishes.

Removal of spiritual entities is automatic; move closer to the Feng Shui Chi Long and it will remove spiritual entities from your body. You might have to hold the Feng Shui ball to give it more power.

With EMF, you can feel a dense and low energy.

Or, just let it be and enjoy.

If you want to download the manual (PDF Form), CLICK HERE.