Chi Long Energy Spheres

These little darlings really make a difference to sensitive people mostly. I have users all over the world ranging from professional to non professional, even students are feeling the difference. The feed back is fantastic!

People are using them everyday, they de-stress, heal, energise and spiritually protect themselves.

Try meditating with the spheres, it really is something else and perfectly safe!

There are two types to choose from. The Chi Long Protect and the Chi Long Heal. The Chi Long Heal is entry level but fully up-gradable to the Chi Long Protect.



It took me 4 separate sessions between my client and myself but we knocked the b'stard off!

What was good about this, my client was healing herself with her Chi Long Energy Sphere too! 

She held the Chi Long Energy Sphere on her eye and every time she devoted more time to the healing the eye got clearer.